Great Multiverse Wiki
Axis of Empires
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General Info


"United thought Strength"


Vilkiala, Valia


Many Languages


Military, Economic and Political Alliance (*note* highly disorganized)


Axis Council (1414 to 2358 N.E)

Historical era

First War Era

Number of Planets

Eighty Nonillion


nine hundred and ninedy Octodecillion

Official Currency

no offical currency

Official Religion

no Official Religion

The Axis of Empires also known as the Axis and The Tyrants, was a major force during the First Multiverse War that fought the Alliance of Nations. It was formed some point in 1414 N.E, fourteen years after the Golmar Earth Uprising. It collapse after the Combines and Chimerans turned on it. During the war, it created the Axis Joint Military, which was the reason why the Allies created theAlliance Joint Military.



at somepoint in the year 1414 N.E, The Empire of the Combine Race , The Greater German Empire , The Japanese Empire and the Confederacy of Independent Systems formed the Axis of Empires to help defeat their enemies. The alliance was official formed with the signing of the Pact of Cooperation.

First Years of War

it's first years of axis of empires were highly successful

because to do the fact they destroying their enemies and invading

and destroying other multiverse's

Middle Years of War

doing the middle years it's started to fall because more and more

nations join the allies include they own and many rebellion happen

in there conquered and so there's and also the time that both

combine and chrimerans started to form a secret empire


the great betrayal happen when both combine and chrimerans unite form a empire without the other axis members

known and that's makes the other axis members being suspicious over the combine chrimea is going to invade

they home world many former axis members join the ailles or became netural and remaining axis members

started to raised the milltary


as soon as the Combines and Chimera betrayed the Axis, all the members of the Axis soon their after, declared war on each other in a event simply refered to as the Wars of the Axis, the name that refers to the multi faction civil war that broke out within the Axis that eventually lead to it's total destruction and nearly all the various members dissolved or nearly destroyed, but not all suffered this, as a handful of the former Axis's members (like the Irken Hierachy,Yuktobania, Khador and the Nomads) joined the Alliance of Nations, either because of the fact that they never did like the Axis or to try and keep their Empires from falling apart.


Well known members of the Axis

During the war, many Axis members become powerful during the war, but the most well known where the civilizations of The Empire of the Combine Race , The Greater German Empire , The Japanese Empire , The Confederacy of Independent Systems, Noxus, The Federation of the Americas, The Empire of the Rising Sun , The Great Fire Nation , The Empire of the Heartless, The Dominion of Cassus, The Union of Yuktobanian Republics, The Galactic Empire, The Klingon Empire, the Romulan Star Empire, the Kingdom of Khador, the Tevinter Imperium, the Free Worlds League, the Harkonnen, the Nomads, the Interstellar Concordium, the Gorn Hegemony, the Cylons, the Gallente Federation, The Helghast Empire , The Union of Socialist Soviet Republics and The Irken Hierarchy, at one point, the Holy Covenant Empire was a member of the Axis, but when the First Piala War started (1415 N.E), the Combines betayed the Empire and attack it, now, what's left of the empire was replace by the Covenant Republic but it soon joined with the Humans of thePiala Universe to form the United Alliances of Orion Species

Puppets and other Members

Puppets and Allies to the Greater German Empire

Puppets and Allies to the Empire of Japan/Japanese Empire

  • The Imperial Union of American States
  • The Great Empire of Manchukuo (1403 to 1416 N.E)
  • The Mengjiang United Autonomous Government (1407 to 1416 N.E)
  • The Provisional Government of the Republic of China (1408 to 1416 N.E) 
  • The Second Philippine Republic (1413 to 1416 N.E)
  • The Provisional Government of Free India (1414 to 1416 N.E)
  • The Empire of Vietnam (March 11, 1416 to August 23, 1416)
  • The Kingdom of Cambodia (March 9, 1416 to April 15, 1416.)
  • The State of Burma (1414 to 1416 N.E)
  • The Kingdom of Thailand (1412 to 1416 N.E)

Puppets and Allies to the Irken Hierarchy

  • The Grand Jixiz Hierarchy
  • The Tazik Republic
  • The Grand Human Heirachy

Puppets and Allies to the Empire of the Combine Race

countless other

Independent Members

Puppets and Allies to the Klingon Empire

Trade Partners


they society is heaving base on propaganda and militarism


the axis of empires has a ranch of technology from them include 1950s soviet union to the futuristic

galactic empire



"Unified" Government

unlike the Alliance, the Axis is often known for it's unstable Government (or lack of any sense of organization what so ever) what with the fact that each and every member of the axis being noted to distrust each other or otherwise have cold war-like (or even colder) relations with the each other, thus, it came to no one suppress that the Axis had dissolved because of the fact that each member of the Axis then  declared war on each other after the Combines and Chimera (who, arguably may be the reason for it to last for as long as it did) betrayed it

Individual Government
