Great Multiverse Wiki
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Cartheons are a tall-statured, intelligent reptilian race native to the planet Cartheo Prime, Gil Universe and a civilized race recognized by the Semerian Commonwealth as a respected member amongst their equal. They fought alongside their Semerian liberators against the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics by act of race-mixing. Within the military, most Cartheons tend to be comfortable as engineers, scientists, and medics. As the Day the Multiverse Burned occurred, the Cartheons who were once one of the Commonwealths’ strongest allies (along with the Semerians on Cartheo) began to rise up and rebelled against the Semerian Commonwealth in its time of decline. When they gained their independence, the Cartheins species, along with the others who were once subjugated by the Commonwealth eventually decided to join the Alliance of Nations as a better option when the First Multiverse War came to a near end.



Culture and Society[]

