Great Multiverse Wiki
Occupied britannia by drivanmoffitt-d4e8qqv

Banner of the Combine Britiannian Empire

The Combine-Britannian Empire, also known as the Britannian-Combine Empire and the Combine Occupation of Britannia, is the puppet state established by the Empire of the Combine Race after it had conquered Ou'kizil Earth in 1402, it existed up until the Alliance liberated Ou'kizil Earth in 2285.


The Combine Britannian Empire was formed after the Combine conquered Ou'kizil and decided to let the surviving royal family become part of a Britannian puppet state because the Combine respected the former holy Britannian Empire and its people. The Combine Britannian Empire now contains parts of western Europe, southern Africa, Australia, and East Asia. The Combine Britannian Empire was defeated by the Alliance of Nation in 2285 after liberating the planet from Axis rule.


The government of the Combine Britannian Empire is a mix between the former holy Britannian Empire and the empire of Combine by having both a royal family and a prime minister.


The society of theCombine-Britiannian Empire still had former HBE society in their system and people of the Combine Britiannian Empire mostly see propaganda by the axis of empires.


The culture in the Combine Britannian Empire is very diverse, though mostly originating from the Holy Britannian Empire.
