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The Combine Occupation of Fialer Earth was a event that occurred on Fialer Earth after the Empire of the Combine Race invaded and conquered Fialer Earth in 1466 and lasted from 1466 to 1515 (2278 to 2327 local calendar). The occupation itself was considered an oddity, given the fact that the Combines had a, somewhat, more direct control over the occupation and only used a few figueheads as a means to control the planet better, with High General Disskzik Loouuikia as the planet's Baron, until he was killed by Emperor Yiloala Kutarukia and replaced by High Admiral Suuizziki Sujjikilil who remained in power until 1515. the occupation ended after the planet's resistance (with help from the Alliance of Nations) forced the Combines off world and created the New Earth Republic.



  • Technically speaking, the planet is classified as a Colony world of the Combines but its' more of a mixture of its' colonies and "Numbered" regions, as it largely governed most of the planet aside from specific areas of the world, where they effectively strong-armed a number of factions, often cases the more brutal factions, into line, like Caesar's Legion, the Enclave, and the Institute out of many others, most of which reside in the former United States but plenty did exist in what used to be Canada, China, and Russia.
  • As to how they control the factions they did keep intact varies per faction but suffice to say all of them do not like being under Combine rule whatsoever and tend to try and rebel against them, albeit in more subtle ways, likely owning to knowing they do not have a chance at fighting them off physically.
  • Due to the varies post-war horrors that have since plagued much of the planet, especially within the former United States, the Combines have taken a keen interest in many of them and have effectively given IRG975 free reign to study, research and possibly replicate them, typically for military purposes, of which the Cloud of the Sierra Madre, as well as its' Ghost People, became an infamous example of such often ruthless and immoral research.
  • The Combines still force the people of the planet into specific zones or cities and never allow them out of said zones/cities, even within the territories held by the factions sub servant to them (which predictably irritate them as a result), those who do are often hounded by Combine forces (both their own forces and their "autonomous" forces) and frequently killed then imprisoned, making anyone who manage to escape the Combine's patrols apart of the resistance that spring up across the planet following the Combine's conquest.
  • The Combines made life difficult for everyone, Human, Necro-Human (Ghoul), Meta-Human (Super-Mutant), or any other sentient species that emerged since the Great War and as a result predictably serve as a unifying force for the various frequently competing groups, though tension still remains between them.
  • While the Alliance would spend considerable resources rebuilding the planet's environment to a pre-war state, the Combines, on the other hand, were trying to terraform, or valiaform in this case, the planet into a environment more comfortable to the Kilominitics and as such were making the planet slightly colder then it was pre-invasion.