Great Multiverse Wiki

Federation Opposition, also dubbed Anti-Federation Opposition was the descriptive name given to various group of Nations, Universes, and Militant Groups, that were always critical of the acts of the Alliance of Nations and later the Multiversial Federation did claiming that the Allies and later the Federation are becoming the “New Combines” and just like the old Combine Empire they will fall. They vary wildly in terms of ideology and beliefs but almost always were some form of nationalistic in some way, and while some were peaceful others were not, and express their distain for the Alliance/Federation through terroristic actions which ironically cause the public to turn against them, especially if the actions were far more extreme of a reaction to a Alliance/Federation policy.


The Origins of the Federation Opposition surged in 2431 N.E. shortly after the discovery of Taee'kolnu and the introduction of the Non-aligned nations movement into the known Universes list and from the very beginning with the Pol Earth Crisis in which the United Systems of Earth repress without contemplation the various nationalist attempts an action that Mexico openly criticized proposing of making a referendum so that the people could determinate If they want to be part of a common country or they would rather have their own independent nation so to prevent the spilling of more blood, however it wasn’t approved as most of the Allies weren’t willing to let their heads down so they carried and even increased the hostility against the rebels and seeing that they would never affect their interests they decided to leave the Alliance of Nations and leave to form an opposition alongside other countries and form the Independent Nation Council to contain the allies and to avoid from getting too much power.



Major members

Public Opinion on the Federation Opposition Groups


  • While plenty of people do support the various groups that is considered apart of this loosely defined group, most of the population of the Known Multiverse generally do not support them as most of them are nationalistic in some way and all the wars that has occurred across the known multiverse, especially in the centuries after the Federation was forged, was, in part, caused by nationalistic beliefs and ideologies. This in turn leads to a number of people believing that the groups opposing the Alliance/Federation are at best ignorant of history and how much death and destruction their belief had caused or at worse violent extremists who don't care what the wider population of their planet or region believe and simply wants to reestablish a nation with their preferred ideology.