Great Multiverse Wiki

Golmar Uprising


First Multiverse War

Golmar Civil War
Golmar Civil war

1400 N.E.


1411 N.E.


Golmar Earth


Technocratic and Democratic victory
creation of the Human-Vortigaunt Federation


The human vortigaunt federation by drivanmoffitt-d78sc1m Human-Vortigaunt Federation

File:The human vortigaunt reich.jpg Human-Vortigaunt Reich

File:Human vortigaunt Union.jpgHuman-Vortigaunt Union

File:Human vortigaunt Empire.jpgHuman-Vortigaunt Union Human-Vortigaunt Empire

The Golmar Earth Civil War, also known as the Golmar Civil War, was a brutal conflict that occurred on Golmar Earth on August 7th, 1400 to November 18th, 1411. The civil war was split into four different factions, the Democratic and Technocratic forces, the Fascist forces, the Communist forces and finally the monarchist forces, the next fourteen years, the four factions fought each other over control of the planet and killed several million by the end of the civil war. The civil war ended with the Democratic and Technocratic forces victorious and the formation of the Human-Vortigaunt Federation.




  • While millions still died in the course of the civil war, all four rival governments were proactive in limiting the deathtoll of the conflict, be it their own forces, rival government forces or civilians, which itself is entirely due to the state of humanity in Golmar following the uprising with humanity reduced to around 976 million, as such, Golmar humans could not risk making the conflict as bloody as possible as it could result in the species extinction, something none of the four governments wanted.