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The YT-1300 light freighter was one of the most successful of Corellian Engineering Corporation's freighter designs. The most notable example of this model was the Millennium Falcon, a heavily (and illegally) modified YT-1300. Conceived by a panel of CEC shipbuilding experts with help from Narro Sienar, the YT series went on to become one of the most popular space transport hulls ever produced, revolutionizing the interstellar shipping industry with its unparalleled application of modular design. Whole sections could be mass-produced and arranged into new configurations as needed without extensive retooling. This saved CEC enormous amounts of credits by allowing the starships to be brought to market at extremely competitive prices.

External Configuration[]

Many individuals also modified the exterior of the YT-1300, often modifying and expanding the forward mandibles for extra crew and cargo space. It was highly unlikely to find two ships that had exactly the same layout and systems.

The ship could also be fitted with optional external cargo pods. Mounted to the outside dorsal hull of the ship, around the central saucer section, the pods could add up to an additional 100 metric tons of cargo space. This configuration was popular with the Alliance to Restore the Republic's Support Services and later the Alliance of Nations. Such modified freighters were used to resupply Rebel bases and starships located behind enemy lines.
