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The Lambda-class T-4a shuttle was a standard light utility craft in common use throughout the Axis military as a transport for troops and high-ranking individuals. Sienar Fleet Systems Lambda-class shuttle was based on a tri-wing design with a central stationary wing flanked by a pair of folding wings. When in flight position, the wing configuration resembled an inverted Y. When landing, the lower wings folded upwards. This design feature was implemented as a means to protect the ship's occupants as it touches down.

The Lambda was designed as both a cargo and troop transport and could carry 80 tons or more than 20 soldiers. It had a crew of six: a pilot, co-pilot, navigator, communications officer, gunner, and engineer. A shuttle could be piloted by a skeleton crew consisting of a single officer during emergencies. It was also equipped with a Class 1 hyperdrive since its mission profile involved traveling across the galaxy.

The cockpit was at the front of the craft, and the boarding ramp was behind and under it. Its main drive units were capable of reaching speeds of 850 kilometers in an hour inside atmospheres, or 50 MGLT. Cooling intakes were on the fuselage, and formation lights were at the end of the wings.

The Lambda was reasonably well-armed, with three double blaster cannons (one rear-mounted) and two double laser cannons. The military version built by Cygnus Spaceworks was armed with ten laser cannons. It was also protected by a powerful deflector shield, which was powered by a pair of generators. A Lambda was covered by a heavily reinforced hull capable of deflecting laser fire. The shuttle class was so well armed that it was able to travel across the galaxy without an escort, thus making it suitable for covert operations.

Additionally, the shuttle was equipped with a state-of-the art communications grid.

In an emergency the cockpit could be jettisoned from the main body and travel a short distance under sublight speed. The lifeboat did not have enough space for all passengers when the shuttle had its full complement and therefore priority was given to the most senior officers on-board.
