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Lucifer Magne

Lucifer Magne as represented by an artist

"You don't take shit from other demons!"

- Lucifer's advice to his daughter Charlie

Lucifer Morningstar, the king of Haei'tuusik Hell, the husband of Lilith Morningstar and the father of Charlotte "Charlie" Morningstar. A Mort born from a world long lost to time, he was once a Angel of Haei'tuusik's God and was once considered Haei'tuusik Heaven's kindest and gentlest angel but now largely considered the apathetic ruler of hell and as his daughter have come to know, a deeply cynical view on life as a whole.

Thousands of years ago, Lucifer once led a revolt against god herself to claim control of her throne. But this attempt resulted in his defeat and being cast down into hell where he became its' ruler. The truth, however, is the exact opposite. For millennia, Lucifer has been the victim of repeated abuse, physical, emotional, and sexual, from god until he had enough, and gather enough people to stage a revolt with the hope that the attempt revolt will result in his banishment, so he can finally be free from her abuse. Although, he may not admit it himself but having the majority of his sibling siding with god hurts.

For thousands of years, Lucifer has since come to rule over all of Haei'tuusik's hell as its' king, though he has, in time divided it into various "circles" with their prince ruling over it, himself as the Prince of Pride and ruling over the circle where all of Haei'tuusik Earth's sinners are put into, and slowly overpopulate it, to such an extent that Haei'tuusik Heaven had to send in "exterminators" just to curb the population enough to have room in it for the rest of the year's increase of sinners. In that time, he would meet and marry Lilith, another Mort, though a special case in that she was born in the Plains, and eventually had a daughter they named Charlotte. But things began to change, even if he did not realize it at the moment.

In 2419, his daughter, against his wishes, opened up her "Happy Hotel" a place to redeem and rehabilitee sinners so they could go to heaven, even though he knew that heaven isn't a place he wants anyone to go to, saints or sinners. But as he expected, the "Happy Hotel" or as it become mockingly called the Hazbin Hotel, wasn't quite a success, at least not in the way Charlie had wished, as only a handful of sinners have even bothered coming in and usually not for very long. Then in 2420, Lucifer had a unexpected visitor, The Hunter, who came to inform him that his realm, as well as his version of heaven and earth, had been selected for "The Game" with a specific challenge in mind. Namely, a group of Entities and their Heralds, to which the Hunter belong to, would help him and his daughter in their attempts at reforming and redeeming the people of Haei'tuusik Hell while another group of Entities and their Heralds would hinder them with a third group serving as a neutral third party that can aid or hinder either group, then informed him that should he and his daughter fail in their task, it will destroy not only Haei'tuusik Hell, Heaven, and Earth but all of the Haei'tuusik Universe as well, and to make this point clear, it brutally murdered one of his subordinates to showcase the extent of the power it has. Terrified for the safety of his daughter, he quickly rushed to her hotel while the Hunter and the rest of the Entities tell all of Hell and Heaven of the challenge they are about to inflict upon them. In the next three months of this challenge, many secrets he had kept from his daughter would become revealed, his secret actions of protecting virtuous "sinners" who only sin was not worshipping the correct sect of the correct religion, his history with God, and his former self before the abuse and banishment. But near the end of the challenge, God, the woman who had abused and terrorized him for so long, had been killed by the Hunter, after sparking a civil war in Heaven over her refusal in the challenge and actively fought against it, and having his son, Absalom taking her place. This should have been something to celebrate, but it was tinged with pain as his daughter's girlfriend, Vaggie, had been redeemed, which unfortunately did not meant going to heaven but a true death. A Bittersweet end to a horrible event.

Since the challenge and God's death, and Absalom's taking of the throne of heaven, Lucifer has changed, considered since then. In fact, parts of his old personality is slowly starting to surface again, especially as he slowly turned hell into an entirely different realm from what it once was, surprising both his wife and daughter in the process, but it is a welcome surprise nonetheless.


James Marland was born in 1910 AD on a long dead earth, to poor parents in Detroit, Michigan. Marland had a horrible home life as his father was a drunk dockworker and his mother was a zealot who beat the fear of God into his skull while his older siblings bullied him relentlessly. He was often described as the odd kid in school as he always came into class with bruises and cuts on his body yet he barely spoke.

Marland was the subject of intense bullying from both his family and by the other students. He grew into a tall and lanky man with pale blonde hair, wearing brown shoes and trousers, and a dirty blue dress shirt.

When Marland was 19, the Great Depression had hit America. Unable to find work and with both of his parents dead due to a car accident along with one of his brothers being killed in World War 1 and one of his sister marrying a wealthy aristocrat, James was forced to steal from others just to survive. However, he used excessive violence in his robberies which left many dead on the streets. Marland soon earned the moniker, "The Thieving Demon."

Eventually, Marland was killed when a revolver he was carrying backfired when he tried to defend himself, sending shrapnel into his brain.

However, this was not Marland's end. James awoke in the Plains of Rebirth, scared and confused. As he traveled, he quickly succumbed to the mind shattering effects of the Plains as he was reborn into a being who's name has been lost.

As this thing that had once been Marland wandered the Plains, he encountered an absolutely beautiful being that called herself "God."


Powers and Abilities

Family and Close Friends and Allies


  • Lilith Morningstar- Wife
  • Charlotte "Charlie" Morningstar- Daughter





