Great Multiverse Wiki


The Alliance would like people to believe that Operation 935-115 never happened. The operation never popped up on any official records or any statements or reports. As such, the operation was hard to find what happened. However, there was a bit of a leak of the operation after the first multiverse war though the information was scarse. Until another leak happened which gave more information. Though many within the alliance and later the multiverse federation passed the leaks off as a hoax. Which was the Alliance's way of making sure no one found out their new secret weapon - the ability to technically see into the alternate known multiverse very accurately.

People involved (Alliance):[]

People involved (Combine):[]

  • Shibuya city militia
  • Combine Shibuya city police
  • Shibuya Defence Force
  • Yilola Olpimakia Kutarukia (In attendance but escaped)
  • Combine 22nd GateKeeper infantry division
  • Combine 107th Synth Brigade
  • 8 light star ships
  • 2 Medium star ships

Military outcome[]

Total Alliance of Nations victory. Combine units 22nd and 107th annihilated with many taken prisoner. All combine star ships were destoyed however Shibuya city received moderate heavy damage and all Nebulon C frigate prototypes were lost with the Nebulon C frigate project scrapped shortly after.

the three string puppets were retrived shortly afterwards and were only able to be piloted by 6 high school students.
