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Dreamscape viii by jamajurabaev-d39vneg

 The Plains of Rebirth, also known as the Inbetween Realm, Heaven and Hell (depending on who you ask) is the realm that's inbetween the Universes and the location where morts are reborn, thus the reason for the name, It's divided into four areas, the Realm of Dreams, the Realm of Nightmares, the Realm of Memories and the Realm of Insanity. However, there are other areas in the Plains of Rebirth that doesn't belong to the four Realms, and usually characterized as being similar to other realms but not fitting for either, nor near them to be placed in either realm, or is the personal dominion of the Entities, which various depending upon what the entities are in question, with the Hunter's Realm being dark and nightmarish and the Planter's Realm being bright and dreamlike.


Possible origins[]

Affections of Sentients[]

Known Realms[]

Realm of Nightmares[]

Realm of Dreams[]

Realm of Memories[]

  • Hill Valley

Realm of Insanity[]

  • Old Gray's Mansion

Non-Assosciated Realms[]

Entities’ Domains[]

Known Inhabitants[]



  • The Plains is a combination of Warhammer's Warp, Spirit Realm, Heaven, Hell, and numerous other suprenatural plains of existence, only combined into one bizarre and often contradictory realm and then ampt up by a factor of a hundred and eleven, maybe more, made considerably more eldritch and positively prominal (IE long before anything even remotely similar even existed when this place was either created or born), and mindwarping.
    • While that there is no afterlife in the setting as a whole, there do exist heavily spiritual realms within the Plains, as to why and how theories range from either created by the Entities themselves or other cosmic beings, or manifested by various civilizations concepts of the afterlife.
    • The majority of the TransRace have shared the same experience when it comes to their death and rebirth, that being a sort of "dreamless sleep", however, some vaguely recall strange realms occasionally, before abruptly waking up, how much that's brief interactions with the Plains or some sort of vivid dream from their dying brain is hard to say.
  • The Plains is an altogether primordial (which in this case is used to describe something far older then Ancient or Elder), having existed for a long time, in fact, the Plains are older then the Entities themselves and none of them even remotely understand what this realm is, and just as confused by it as every other being in the Multiverse.
  • The Plains, to put it simply, is a bizarre place in every conceivable measure one can think of. There's simply no rhyme or reason behind anything that happens in the Plains, no matter how much researchers, theologians, or the beings that reside there (at least those that still retain their sanity and memories) tries, and in fact tend to get even more confused and baffled by it the more information they get from the strange eldritch realm.
  • The one thing that is common to the Plains is the effects it has on people, regular beings and morts alike. Specifically the Plains can and will affect a person's mind in two ways, first it slowly deteriorates their memories and second it breaks down a person's mental state the longer they reside in the Plains, over time both will result in the person forming near total amnesia and complete insanity, in fact, this is how most of the Morts encounter by the Multiversial powers are typically created. However, there are outlayers that do exist, both regular sentients and morts alike, although the reason for this is still a mystery that likely will never be truly understood.
  • This Mind warping and sanity breaking affect is just the first part in the vast majority of the Mort's creation, as their memories and sanity declines, their old identities slowly fade with it and new identities are created around whatever remnants of their memories as a base, which can be anything, hence why Morts vary so wildly. Although there are some rare expections, with Old Gray being one such example.
  • While it could agrued that this realm can be considered the Multiversial Afterlife, it is anything but, with few people ever reborn in the realm, and the reasons for this vary considerably.
  • The Plains is known to "connect" to planets from time to time, creating "Plains-Touched Worlds" in the process, all of which are planets that have numerous supernatural elements to them. But this is often a prelude to that universe being slowly absorded into it, which is exactly what is happening to Saa'kunji Universe (Death Stranding), with all laws of physics and nature simply breaking down as the Plains exert more and more influence over said universe.
  • There's some implications that the Plains is sentient in some way, in a manner similiar to the Warp but its' vague and only periodically mentioned or discussed, befitting a realm where nothing makes sense.