Great Multiverse Wiki


  • Asexual: Much like Yiloala, Siegfried is both asexual and aromantic, though unlike Yiloala who is largely sex repulsed, Siegfried isn't but he does prefer not to get involved regardless.
  • Anti-Nihilist: Held this belief even before he was gifted immortality by the Planter and was only further reinforce by his own vastly extended lifespan. Unsurprisingly this mindset, along with his general nice-guy and pacifist nature is the source of his conflicts with the majority of Ricks, who often finds his acknowledgement of the insignificance of his existence yet still believe in sentient/people regardless absurd.
  • Badass Pacifist: He never fights, at all, having came to despite fighting whatsoever, even when someone has initiate a fight he won't fight back at all.
  • Blessed with Suck: Downplayed; he largely views his complete immortality this way, sure he can live forever and come back from anything, no matter what has been done to him, but it still hurts (though he has sense gotten use to it by this point) and he knows he will outlive everyone in the Multiverse eventually, just as he had with his family eons ago.
  • Bored with Insanity: Even stated as much, that he did at one time went insane during his early eons as a true immortal but eventually got over it... by "eventually" he really meant spending 500 billion years in a state of complete insanity before snapping out of it. That said, he clearly doesn't think like normal humans (neurotypical or neurodivergent) whatsoever, nor does he even behaves like most humans either
  • Creepy Good: Downplayed compared to most, in fact he's relatively normal, what makes him creepy is his complete immortality (especially since it often involves him regenerating his body from any damage no matter what it is and in a particularly gruesome way) and the casual way he reacts to his many, many, many deaths that frankly unnerves the majority of people he meets.
  • Complete Immortality: The guy's Completely immortal, meaning NOTHING can kill him, which makes sense as the setting has made it abundantly clear the Planter intentionally being doing this with all of its' best friends/heralds as its' siblings loves killing them but haven't been successful until Velichkov.
    • One notable time this is show is early in the Challenge in Haei'tuusik, Adam, leader of the exterminators, tried to kill him with a holy spear, as that kills Sinners and living Humans completely, only for him to shrug it off like it was nothing much to the complete shock of both the Angels and Demons as it clearly indicated that the Entities he's associated with are vastly more powerful then God if something that can kill mortals as well as deceased sinners or higher ranked beings does absolutely nothing to him.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Its' pretty subtle and even downplayed alot of times but he does have his moments of snarking at people, but its' much more noticeable with individuals he has a dislike if not open hatred of.
  • Expy:
    • The Doctor: They both share the same pacifistic beliefs and actions and have the same love of exploration and discovery while being having empathy to such a scale that it results in them having a desire to help people, which understandably leads to the two to get along quite well after they met one another.
  • Fatherly Scientist:
  • Family Man: Eons ago, he used to have a family whom he deeply loved, and he still missed them deeply.
  • Foil: Unsurprisingly, just like the beings they are friends with, both Siegfried and Yiloala serve as foils to each other.
    • To Rick Sanchez, both are highly intelligent and extremely resourceful, yet Siegfried always uses his knowledge and intelligence to help others and try and defeat opponents in a non-violent way. While also never trying to exploited people for his own end to protect himself, something that Rick is known to do and respond to threats in as violent of a manner as possible
  • Good Parent: He was this for his adopted kids eons ago and fondly remembers them and what they became, and still misses them to the modern era.
  • Guile Hero: He typically tries and use a combination of wit, charm and flatout manipulations to defeat certain people or groups, most of the time, other times he falls upon other tricks up his sleeve.
  • Happily Adopted: He adopted all of his kids and they were all happy to have Siegfried as their father.
  • Has Two Daddies: Try three fathers, his mother was married to multiple men, his biological father and two additional fathers.
  • Ignored Expert: Siegfried had these moments when he tried to warn those of the dangers of various things that he personally saw the results first hand for instance seeing a civilization try and weaponize Morts and he tried to warn them against it but was ignored and watch as it was destroyed by rampaging Morts.
  • Immortality Hurts: Downplayed; Siegfried has long since gotten use to the pain of death, but he still states that he feels everything that happens to him, even stuff that normally kills normal people, or being spaghettified and later trapped in a black hole for trillions of years before the Planter got him out of it or drifting through the vacuum of space with no gear whatsoever, dying and reviving over and over again for billions of years, and he had felt every. bit. of. it.
  • Living Forever is No Big Deal: Came to hold a apathetic view of his immortal overall, but he doesn't see any benefit from it, nor does he see any harm from it either, so he largely doesn't about it other then being mildly annoyed about getting killed every now and then.
  • Nice Guy: He's a kind and caring individual who thinks the best of anyone and goes out of his way to try and help people in various ways, and also why he studied to revolutionize terraforming technology of his home universe, he wanted to help the most people out and what better way to do that then expand the range of planets people can live on.
  • Mentor Archetype: Siegfried mentored and trained many who he saw as potential in his extended lifespan.
    • Most notably the Time Lady Endea who previously was a human named Mia Tyler, who lost her memory from a forced regeneration after she was sent outside her home universe and awakened her dormant Time lord genes. This was in fact that he was aware of who she was after meeting her future incarnation and taught her many things over a period of time travelling together, and also to help her regain her memories.
  • Multi-Ethnic Name: a clear sign of his native universe's timeperiod is his name, having a German and Sanskrit first and middle name and a Bulgarian surname, in fact he outright states that humanity of his universe had been unified under a common banner for 1200 years by the time he was born and had all of its' cultural and ethnic groups intermix with one another enough that names and surnames are spread out across humanity.
  • Omnidisciplinary Scientist: Honestly it would be expected for a man of his age to eventually master and continue to learn new fields of science constantly, that said, his original doctorate was in astrophysics and terraforming sciences, with the rather wordy thesis title; Interstellar Ecological Engineering: A Comprehensive Exploration of Advanced Astrophysical Principles and Terraforming Strategies for Sustainable Habitable Zone Expansion in Galactic Environments.
  • Parental Substitute: He serves as this for a number of people over the eons, all of whom he remembers quite fondly, currently Endea falls into this.
  • Rousseau Was Right: Downplayed as his views are alot more complex then this but generally holds this position and viewpoint, and even informs people that his eons worth of life has only reinforce this position rather then destroy it but then states that this is only true a majority of the time and not a constant as there is plenty of examples of truly evil and awful people and beings in the multiverse.
  • Seen It All: Given his immense age and the amount of crap he has likely witness and dealt with over the eons, he frankly not that surprised by things anymore, if at all.
  • Science Hero: If his charm, wit and manipulations don't work the first time, this is the second thing he uses to solves his problems via the use of his extensive knowledge of various sciences and as such had invented ALOT of useful stuff over the eons.
  • The So-Called Coward: He's a committed pacifist and prefers to avoid conflict as much as possible, yet he is definitely not a coward as he had face numerous threats over the eons and typically they blink rather then him.
  • Time Abyss: He was born roughly around the 52nd century in his home universe... about 977 Duodecillion (a number with 39 zeroes after it) years before the events of the main series.
  • Victory by Endurance: He doesn't fight whatsoever but the few times he "fights" its' usually him waiting out people trying to kill him as he knows they'll exhaust themselves eventually.
  • Who Wants to Live Forever?: Downplayed, as he doesn't really get into this much himself but he doesn't really care for it himself whatsoever, though it used to be far more apparent when he was younger but not anymore.
  • The World Is Just Awesome: Well, multiverse rather but the point is still the same regardless, he typically hold this opinion about the multiverse as a whole and thoroughly enjoys his travels and what he finds in said travels, making it little wonder why he and the Doctor get along so well.