Great Multiverse Wiki
Flag of the Soviet Union

The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (Russian: Сою́з Сове́тских Социалисти́ческих Респу́блик, tr. Soyuz Sovetskikh Sotsialisticheskikh Respublik) abbreviated to USSR (Russian: СССР, tr. SSSR) or shortened to the Soviet Union (Russian: Сове́тский Сою́з, tr. Sovetskij Soyuz), was a Marxist-Leninist state of the Multiverse in 1403 and 2352. It was governed as a single-party state by the Communist Party with Moscow as its capital. A union of multiple subnational Soviet republics, its government and economy were highly centralized. The leader of the USSR was Joseph Stalin.

It should not be confused with the two Soviet nations that is one of the major forces in the Axis of Empires as well as a important founder of the axis itself and the other one that is a member of the Warsaw Pact in the Dol Universe as well a member of the UCN. But the Pol Universe Soviet Union is a split faction between Joseph Stalin's Government and Loyalist faction of the Soviet Military (who are Pro-Axis) and the Anti-Stalin, Leon Trotsky (who managed to survived his Assassination, but went into hiding afterwords) Coalition Government, Anti-Stalin faction of the Soviet Military and Civilian population (who are Pro-Alliance), effectively creating a civil war within Pol's Soviet Union. 


Second Earthican Civil War[]

In the Pol Timeline, the war was still raging on the Eastern Front by March of 1945 (1416 NE) after they joined forces with the Combine Empire and their Axis of Empires. Bolstered by the recent introduction of Deathshead's inventions copied from Da'at Yichud technologies,, they were invaded by the Combine to sabotage their forces with their superior firepower, allowing the the Nazi armies to slowly push the Red Army back and to secure victory with the help of the pro-Axis faction, the Russian Liberation Army in the Second Battle of Stalingrad in the first week of March. Between March 8 and 15, the Nazis, Combine forces reached Moscow again and subjected it to a brutal aerial bombardment campaign, followed by mortar barrages, reducing the city to rubble and repulsing the Army.

With the surrender and signing of the Stalingrad Treaty, the Soviet under new management switched sides from the Alliance to the Axis under Stalin, but bitter to be under 'protection' of the German Empire with sudden civil conflicts between factions to split the Soviet Union against those still favour too the Alliance and against under the rule of the extraterrestrials.

The remains of the Axis Soviet Union was swiftly colonized by the Nazis dubbed the Russian Territories in Eastern Europe, and Deathshead in particular would use the Ural mountains and Siberia as training grounds for his personal army. These training camps would be described as some of the toughest in the world and would serve as the training camps for Deathshead's elite commandos.  

Splinter Factions[]

Whilst the majority of the Soviet Union under Stalin's command remained an effective ally to the Axis, a growing faction led by Leon Trotsky who survived the assassination attempt and went into hiding for some time, along with others who refused to accept this offer when they grew tired of Stalin's tyranny and selling out Russia to the Combine. Choosing to side with the Alliance and gain a portion of the Russia as a sovereign territory, even if Stalin refuse to accept this and declared them as traitors but willing to fight for their country.

Battle for Pol Earth[]

Battle of Pol Luna[]
Soviet moon offensive

Soviet Union in the Liberation of Pol Luna

By 1444 NE, the Soviet Moon base received news from the Combine of an Alliance invasion, they tried to war Russia when Alliance forces suddenly appeared in Lunar orbit, forcing the military forces into action and despite their efforts to defend their outpost, the Alliance's combined forces devastated their lunar fleet, the survivors surrendered and the base was taken by the Alliance as Pol Luna was annexed by the Alliance. The news was grave to not only Stalin but also to some of the Pol Earth Axis leaders with the Alliance fleet would soon enter orbit to use the dimensional portals to call forth their armies to defend the borders before the invasion could happen.

This gave the advantage for Trotsky and his forces to temporarily weaken or limit their control of Pol Earth.

Chimera Conflict[]

Gil Campaign[]

Fragmentation and Civil War[]

Annexation into the United Systems of Earth[]


Stalin lead Faction[]

Trotsky lead Faction[]

Perseus lead Faction[]

Society Culture[]

Stalin lead Faction[]

Trotsky lead Faction[]

Perseus lead Faction[]



Originally their technology was similar to early 20th century era before the arrival of the Combine, they had advanced a few decades with the support of the Galactic Empire's technicians, becoming an interstellar state to colonise most of their Sol System during the first century of the war and eventually acquired the technology to travel to vast distances and limited access to other realities.

They have proven to develop genetic engineering for military purposes such as the creation of War Bears

Foreign Relations[]


