Great Multiverse Wiki

The Cruel Lord, Yiloala Kutarukia, is the overall main antagonist of this setting, and generally has a fairly basic personality befitting real-life sociopaths as their personalities are noted to be incredibly shallow.  Of course, this varies per sociopath, but that's minute in nature and they always are shallow in nature. So far, the personality of this closet thing to the embodiment of evil that exist in this setting multiverse wide, are as followed: 

  • Incredibly calm and patient, a trait of which most sociopaths tend to lack, 
  • Cold
  • Manipulative
  • Sadistic
  • Cruel and brutal
  • And views the entire concept of morality and ethics to be "idiotic myths created by sentient creatures to deny the fact that they are the animals they believe to be above".

Any suggestions for his personality is welcome, in fact, encouraged as I'm trying to develop his personality a bit more, but still in the firm work of a shallow, unemotional, and one-dimensional sociopath.
