Great Multiverse Wiki

The Wioni was a pure energy species who often fought each other in a brutal series of Civil Wars once their Emperor/Empress dies, they're not native of the Multiverse but are native to a another Multiverse who had to leave it due to a brutal conflict that destoryed it, they died out around the same time the Zelius emerge as a Multiversial power (did fought eight wars with the Zelius before they founded into hiding though)


They are regarded as being at (one of) the apect of evolution, becoming a species of pure energy that many have regarded as being too complex to complaint, but, for whatever reason, they tend to create forms to use when they are in contact with other beings (it's just as possible for them to use the forms to control them), however, many have called them "A species of psychopaths and sociopaths" sense they're naturally born without empathy and to be self-serving, although not all of them are like this however (90% of total population are as described, but 5% are born with empathy and not (as) self-serving, however, they are about 5% of the population that considered worse then the 90% and the 90% regard them as being psychopaths and sociopaths)


The enter species are hermaphrodites, meaning they have both genders (and thus makes it difficult to exterminate). Once a Wioni reaches adulthood, if he or she (the gender they identify as) can have children by the process of asexual reproduction by mixing and randomizing their genes into a egg and sperm and then became pregnant once the process is compete, the stage of pregnancy lasts for six months and ends when the child is born (though twins and triplets are the most common)


because they are beings of pure energy, the Wioni do not have a defined shape and form, however, they can change their form based upon a process of mental suggestions to make "lesser species" see what they what them to see.


not much is known about their earliest history, where they came from, what they evolutived from, and, more importantly, what occured in their home Multiverse, but from what we know about the Wioni is that it must have been just as violent as it always were

Wioni Wars of conquest

Wioni Holy Wars

Wioni Civil Wars

Zelius-Wioni Wars

Near extinction


Mother's betrayal

Chaos of Broken bonds

Naming Gods

Fop'ila Wars

First War

First Aftermath

Second War

Second Aftermath

Infection War

Nationalist Wars

Third War

Post-war peace





Notable Members

The Chaos Gods of the Warhammer Universe

The Man in the Moon
