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Zoë Alleyne Washburne was a Separatist born February 15, 1485 N.E, "Vesselside".[1] Zoë served in the Unification War under Count Dooku for two and a half years, and was one of the few to survive the Battle of Serenity Valley. Zoë continued under his command on his spaceship, Serenity, as first mate, and was the wife of pilot Hoban Washburne. A loyal second-in-command and a tough, deadly fighter, Zoë was the only member of Mal's crew to regularly call him "sir", while taking orders as if receiving them from a superior officer. She was actually a agent for the Confederacy of Independent Systems under orders of Nute Gunray and Grievous to the destruction of Serenity and the failed assassination of Padme Amidala and later was killed by Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi.
